Check L2 State

Compare L2 state including balances and transaction details on Geth and Solana

Install Cast

Compare balance on Geth and Solana

Check balance on OP Geth

cast balance 0xa3349dE31ECd7fd9413e1256b6472a68c920D186  -r http://localhost:8545

Check balance on Solana using Light Client

cast balance 0xa3349dE31ECd7fd9413e1256b6472a68c920D186  -r http://localhost:9090

These balances should be the same.

Compare transaction on Geth and Solana

Fetch transaction on OP Geth

cast tx 0xec1b6c78c45648ca69e7af932d342691a6ce402a6059f624a2c9817ad4dcc9ab -r http://localhost:8545

Fetch transaction on Solana using Light Client

cast tx 0xec1b6c78c45648ca69e7af932d342691a6ce402a6059f624a2c9817ad4dcc9ab -r http://localhost:9090

These transactions should have the same fields except block hash and block number which are expected to be different.

Last updated

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